The Solana blockchain has emerged as a powerful platform for decentralised applications and digital asset creation. This article will serve as a comprehensive guide to help you navigate the process of creating your own token on the Solana network.

In this article, we will walk you through the essential steps and concepts involved in token creation on Solana. We'll cover everything from setting up a development environment to deploying and managing your token.

Tokens on Solana

Tokens on Solana are somewhat different from the ones on other chains. They are made and managed by the Solana Program Library (aka SPL). The source code for SPL is publicly available on GitHub. There are widely two types of Tokens - NFTs and Regular Tokens (memecoins). Both of them come under the SPL Token Program.

As everything on the Solana Blockchain is an account, let's first understand the working of SPL Tokens.

My First Board-2.jpg

		A High-Level overview of the management of Tokens on Solana.

Let's go through each type of account:

1. Wallet Account:

2. Token Account:

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